The first shows of the year are now behind us, and the Newmod show sounds to have gone very well. This weekend we are at the Cosford Air Museum - come find us next to the F-111 (assuming we've not found a way INTO it!). The theme for the show will be Aggressor and Adversary aircraft.
New stuff continues to be released at an amazing rate - RVHP now have two versions of their MC-12W Liberty out (both on my wish list!) and Anigrand Craftswork have just released their Lockheed C-140 Jetstar. The rumours of a new Academy F-4 are still out there, as are their F-22 in 1/72nd, and the Italeri C-27J should be out soon too...
And of course, it's not that long until the airshow season starts! Star for this year will probably be the much anticipated F-22 Raptor which is scheduled to appear at the RIAT this year!