Scale | 1/72 |
Manufacturer | Hobby Boss |
Kit ID | 87212 |
Type | Vought A-7K 80-0290 |
Unit | New Mexico ANG |
Date | 1985 |
Aftermarket parts used | None |
Other detail added | Decals from USAFline sheet USF72-021 |
Model built by | Geoff Cooper-Smith |
Date Completed | 2020 |
This is build from the Hobby Boss A-7K in 1/72. Overall the fit was pretty good - the worst aspect was 'sealing up' all the inspection panels which are designed to be open.
Paints used were Mr Color - I used the correct FS number but lightened them all with white or pale yellow as otherwise they appear too dark on a model. The usual gloss coat, decals, gloss coat, panel lining and weathering were applied (not too much of either as don't think it looks good otherwise!) then matt coat and finally detail painting such as nav lights sensor covers, nose cone, etc.
No aftermarket parts were used apart from the pilots, who came from a Fujimi F-14 kit. These were the most suitable as they have posable limbs. They were glued into the seat and belts added to 'connect' them to the seat then painted up. The interior of the Hobby Boss kit is pretty good out of the box.
Decals were very much mix and match to get the machine I wanted! Serials came from USAFline sheet USF72-021. Stencilling for the airframe, MERs and practice bombs came from the kit sheet. The New Mexico titling and ANG badges came from the Xtradecal 'Twosairs' sheet. I struggled to find the right size dark grey 'stars and bars' and they eventually came off an Experts Choice 1/48 F-16 sheet!
I made the inclined base from wood and attached a Coastal Kits Ground Blur base. The model is attached to the base by a 6mm perspex pole with a hole drilled in the model and expoxied in; similarly for the base.
The aircraft is modelled as it came over the UK in 1985 with the New Mexico ANG and based at Wittering. They made several trips out to the Pembrey ranges.
Somebody I know at a company I work with is ex-forces and once relayed the story of how he got a trip. We identified the date and the aircraft and found some images. The rest was relatively easy. He is looking up at himself from the back seat giving a 'thumbs up'!
Model and photographs by Geoff Cooper-Smith