Anigrand Craftswork C-141 - how to build an NC-141A - Part 4 by Ted Bayliss
The modifications to the landing gear continues. I have started adding the hydraulic system. First I bent some pieces of brass to form a basic manifold. This has a large hydraulic pipe entering at the top, and then two pipes going to the wheelbrakes. There is still a bit more to do yet, I want to improve the axles (for function, not for seeing, as they won't be visible)
Another major problem is with the wheels. Looking at the photo below, top left shows the wheel as Anigrand have produced it. Unfortunately, it isn't really like it should be. What I did (after a few attempts which didn't work) was to raid the trusty Hasegawa Phantom kit again. First, I removed the inner section of the wheel, effectively just leaving the tyre. I then got the thin wheels from the Hasegawa Phantom kit, removed the tyre from it, added a piece of sprue to form an extended wheel nut which is quite noticeable on the real thing. I need to scribe some tyre tread, then once painted it should look OK.
The following 2 shots show the tread I've added on the left wheel, compared to the original. While doing this I noticed the wheel wasn't actually round, so using a motor tool as a lathe I sanded down the wheel till it was, then scribed the grooves using a bare metal foil scriber. I painted the tread light grey and the tyre black so it can be easier seen.
The last 2 shots show a simple modification to the axles. I cut off the axles that Anigrand had put on which were not well aligned, drilled a couple of holes, and inserted some metal tube I got from Mr Models. These should keep the wheels aligned a bit better.
This first shot is a couple of additions needed to the leading edge of the wings. Basically there is some sort of intake and an exhaust port near the fuselage. Also, I've added a small strake as well.
The next shot shows the intake additions that are missing. Basically in front of the compressor are 24 guide vanes which Anigrand didn't add to their moulding. There is two ways to correct this. I've added the vanes, but an alternative would be bags that the USAF use to cover the engines.
The last shot shows the exhaust. It's not finished yet, but gives you some idea of whats round the back.
decided to spray the fuselage before fitting the wings and sponsons, in order to make it a bit easier later on. I appreciate some of it will need retouching, but masking is a lot simpler this way. The first four shots show the fuselage painted except the lower grey, which I'll tackle monday when the white has hardened. I've also done the stripe down the fuselage. The lower grey will be lighter in colour, and glossy as well. The head on shot I've put in so you can see the final effect of colouring the windshield, unfortunately not too clear in the photo.
The last shot shows the painted up APU exhaust piping, which as has already been explained, was completely left out by Anigrand.
Model, article and photographs by Ted Bayliss