This article provides detail of the work needed to correct the Italeri B-26K kit in 1/72. The list is provided "as-is" from a post provided by David Walker on the Zone-Five forum.
1. Rear access door is not correctly represented, but as just the window sourrounded by some incorrect panel lines. Nothing in the back compartment. (there wasn't much there and it was all painted flat black anyway)
2. If building with the bomb bay opened note that the fit of the upper fuselage insert is both horrible and highly visible. If building with the bomb bay closed-the doors don't fit worth a darn. 3. Missing representation of strakes, either folded or deployed, between nose wheel well and bomb bay.
4. Circular "stub" molded into both fuselage halves is slightly too far back (should be on the joint between nose and fuselage) and is far too prominent. On the real plane these were just covers for the hoisting plugs.
5. Fuselage halves around the nose are not quite of the same cross section-left half is a bit shallow. Tail .
6. Left and right horizontal tail fairings are staggered-left side is further back than the right.
7. Small windows below horizontal tail can be opened up and glazed - or painted over of course. They are just represented by scribing.
8. The rudder and tail fairing are too short and too narrow. Italeri has provided the original WWII / Korean vintage Invader confguration. The rudder/tail cone of the B-26K conversion was extended one foot.
9. Upper trim tab on rudder is missing, as well as it's actuator on the right side.
10. Vortex generators on the right side of vertical tail are too close to the rudder hinge line.
11. Delete wing guns (this is mentioned in the instructions).
12. Wingtip tanks are of the wrong length (should be a scale 12 feet) and diameter. Use cut down napalm tanks from the kit.
13. Wing pylons are too long and too tall and should not angle nose down. Also the spacing on the wing is not correct as they should not all be spaced exactly the same.
Wheel Wells/Landing Gear
17. Locating pin in bottom forward nose will have to be removed to fit nose wheel well parts. Also plastic needs to be removed from left nose wheel opening in fuselage.
18. Gear struts molded solid. Might be a good thing for strength but doesn't look too hot.
19. Wheels/tires are WWII vintage-True Details has released a correct set or you can use the TD KC-135 set if you have one laying around.
20. Missing recognition lights under the rear fuselage, red, green, orange from front to back, though these were sometimes painted over in real life.
21. Missing position lights on tail fairing-two small bulbs on both sides, top one is red, bottom one is clear. Clear parts should be overpainted.
22. Navigation beacon on top of tail will need to be added: red lens on fairing.
23. Missing rail antenna under rear fuselage.
24. Kit canopy/windscreen has no provisions for opening and does not represent the joints between the opening and fixed parts. Worse, it is narrower than the fuselage at the back by about a millimeter.
25. Rear upper glazing does not fit, different cross section compared to fuselage at the back.
Article by David Walker, provided courtesy of Zone-Five