Scale | 1/72 |
Manufacturer | Caracal Models |
Decal Sheet ID | CD72018 |
Decal Sheet Title | Air National Guard T-33A |
Types Featured | T-33A |
New markings for the T-33A have been thin on the ground, despite the recent release of the Sword and Platz kits. This new sheet from Caracal provides markings for aircraft from nine different Air National Guard units. The individual aircraft featured are:-
- 52-9692 T-33A-1-LO from the 101st FIS, Massachusetts ANG during 1984. This aircraft carried a light blue/white horizontally striped rudder, a blue/white arrowhead on the fin, a blue fin stripe containing "MASSACHUSETTS" in white, and "Cape Cod" in white outlined in blue on the wingtip fuel tanks
- 52-9803 T-33A-1-LO from the 159th FIS, Florida ANG during 1983, with a dark blue fin stripe outlined in white and containing a white lightning bolt, together with red outer wingtip fuel tanks containing the numerals "28"
- 57-580 T-33A-5-LO from the 171st FIS, Michigan ANG during 1980. This aircraft carried a yellow/black chequered rudder and a black fin stripe containing "Michigan" in yellow
- 53-5224 T-33A-1-LO from the 146th FIS, Pennsylvania ANG during 1984.This carried a gloss black windshield and canopy, fin and rudder and upper fuselage, together with black wing tip fuel tanks containing "112th FTR GP" in black on a while flash
- 52-9682 from the 1192th FIS, New Jersey ANG during the 1980's. This carried a red fin flash and red "NJ", together with red outer wing tip tanks
- 53-5816 T-33A-1-LO from the 178th FIS, North Dakota ANG during 1975. This aircraft carried red outer wing tanks containing "The Happy Hooligans" in white
- 53-5816 T-33A-1-LO from the 178th FIS, North Dakotan ANG during 1983. At this time the aircraft carried only a red fin stripe outlined in black and containing "Happy Hooligans" in white
- 53-5959 T-33A-5-LO from the 123rd FIS, Oregon ANG during 1984. Unit markings were limited to a red/yellow bird on the fin carrying a blue banner containg "OREGON" in white
- 52-9655 T-33A-1-LO from the 111th FIS, Texas ANG during 1986, carrying an outline of the state in blue overlaid with "Texans" and a red/white/blue lightning bolt on the fin.
All aircraft are painted F16473 (ADC Grey).
The instructions comprise two sides of A4 printed in full color. A side view is provided for each aircraft and an upper/lower plan is also included to show where the national markings are placed.
The decal sheet is printed by Cartograf and is in perfect register.
Highly recommended!
Review and images by Chris St Clair